Sunday 15 November 2009

Ein gesundes Vorurteil erspart das Nachdenken.

The germans have a quote, it goes like this : Ein gesundes Vorurteil erspart das Nachdenken.

Loosely translated : a healthy prejudice spares the thinking.

I couldn't find the exact same quote in english, so i just made up that one.

What the quote tries to say is that, it is good, when you have a good prejudice against someone, a group of people, or a race. For examples when you say that:

1) all south Koreans are cute
2) Asians are good at math
3) Jews have "big wallet"
4) Italians make good pizza.

But in some cases, prejudice is always bad. Here is one example:

I was walking through an underground tunnel at the train station after getting back from a journey by train, and there were like hundreds of people using the tunnel during the same time. At the main entrance, there were 3 fully uniformed special policemen, standing still and watching the crowd.

Walking right behind me was a couple, presumably from a middle east country . The guy has short beard while his wife wears "tudung", and they are totally well dressed. From a distance, you could notice, that one of the policemen has already fixed his eyes on that couple.

Then he suspiciously walked towards that couple, stopped them, wished "Guten Abend" and pulled them off for further questioning. And everybody in that tunnel turn their heads, as though expecting to see the policeaman hand cuffs the couple to succesfully stop another terroris attack. Bluh!

Benda-benda macam ni x best.

Boleh tak kalau aku nak ada prejudice jugak, macam aku nak cakap kat org.sini...."ohhh aku mula-mula dulu takut nak study kat germany, sebab aku ingatkan semua org.ger masih lagi berfikiran macam N*zi, mengamalkan pembersihan etnik, letak org J*ws dalam gas-chamber"

"semua org.ger kejam kan, sebab beberapa tahun dulu dieorg puja seorang ditektor nama H****r.

Ataupon prejudice macam, "laaa ingatkan semua orang Somali* tu kerja lanun"

p/s - tak kot
p/s - korg x yah la ada ape-ape impressions lepas baca ni, ni small-case je, org.ger ok.


  1. hey...i love this entry...superb!!!bravo...:)

  2. thanks kak yla, bile org hebat ckp camtu...saya jadi segan la, rasa nak senyum tanpa henti satu minggu ni, hehe
