Aku pecut patah balik pegi bahnhof (train-station), tapi brader tu cakap, die x leh buat ape-ape, then die kasik je no tepon syarikat keretapi.......
Kluar dari pejabat brader jaga bahnhof tu, aku dah give up dah,,,,train dah blah bersama henset aku, aku tengok rail yang kosong tu.....
"tcuss 300 euro, have a safe journey"
Aku call pejabat train, dengan sedikit harapan.
Petang tu aku dapat email :

Translation :
Dear passenger,
Your mobile phone grey HTC S730 was returned to our customer"s service office. You can collect it from us on monday-friday from 9.00 to 16.00.
And after this please be careful, what were you thinking leaving your phone on the seat like that? your phone is so cool and i might read your sms ( you don't mind right? hehe), or auction your phone on ebay, or maybe give it to santa claus this coming christmas (do you believe that santa exists? i don't mean the fat guy with red suits in supermarket).
with warm regards,
customer's service office
p/s - oooh ye yang tulisan biru tu aku tambah-tambah je, bagi cool sket email kakak tu.
p/s - thanks kepada org. bahn, gua caya sama lu
hebat jugak eyh... leh dpt blk tuh.. mantap
ReplyDeletehaah ainul, ade rezeki aku lgi ngn henset aku tu