andy, 40 years old engineer : my wife heh, bla bla bla...when she starts to talk, she doesnt stop
p/s - tajok xde kene mengena
p/s 2 - cobaan...ape die labi, cobaan
Friday, 29 January 2010
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
Resepi: Ayam Nuget Style Istanbul
Pernah buat nuget tak? ye la, asyik makan makanan malaysia je, ape kate kite masak benda lain pulak, masakan ala2 Orient ke. Hari ni aku nak share satu resepi baru dari Turki, senang je nak buat, dan sedap (klu terer la). mari mulakan, igt ni style org profesional, klu korg baru mule2 nak blajar, x leh ikut cara ni :
1 - pegi kedai turki terdekat
2 - beli nuget ayam
3 - balik rumah panaskn oven, brape darjah celcius aku x leh nak cakap, org pro die agak2 je
4 - masukkan nugget
p/s - pegi study laaaa!!!!!
1 - pegi kedai turki terdekat
2 - beli nuget ayam
3 - balik rumah panaskn oven, brape darjah celcius aku x leh nak cakap, org pro die agak2 je
4 - masukkan nugget
p/s - pegi study laaaa!!!!!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Friday, 22 January 2010
Movie: Burn After Reading (2008)

"Intelligence is relative"
Rating aku : ---
Rating IMDb : 7.2 / 10
Brape kali dh tengok : 1
Ni movie kedua aku drpd Coen brothers, yg pertama aku tgk "No Country For Old Men". Dua-dua movie best, tapi pelik, bukan tipikal movie. Lepas abes tgk movies dieorg, mesti aku tertny2, ape Coen brothers nk ckp ni? Ape mesej korg dlm movie ni?
Antara Part Yang Aku Suka :
1) Cubaan nak jual maklumat kat Russian Embassy
2) Ending
CIA Superior: What did we learn, Palmer?
CIA Officer: I don't know, sir.
CIA Superior: I don't fuckin' know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir.
CIA Superior: I'm fucked if I know what we did.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir, it's, uh, hard to say
CIA Superior: Jesus Fucking Christ.
Kenapa Aku Suka Movie Ni :
Entah, smpi skrg kompius
Aku Rekemen/Empfehlen Movie Ni :
Kalau korg rase "No Country For Old Men" best.
Kalau Suka Burn After Reading & Nak Tengok Movie Macam Ni Lagi :
1) No Country For Old Men
-satu movie je aku boleh compare
Komen Penonton :
"the bigest heap of shit of a film ive seen in a while " (there you go =) )
"Utter Hollywood drivel. Meaningless, stupid, anything but brilliant. "
"this movie is very different had my face in a what the heck mood " (same mcm aku)
"when i went to see the movie i didn't expect it to be that funny must see it if you're into black comedy :P "
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Antara Dua
Korg pernah dgr x lagu lagu farah af2 - antara dua? xde kene mengena pon, ikuti kisah encik sameon ini.
Situasi 1
Boss 1 : encik sameon, u pergi kat boss 2, then bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla bla, pastu bla bla. ok?
Encik sameon : yes
Encik sameon : Boss 2, boss 1 asked me to come to you, he wants to bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla
bla, pastu bla bla.
Boss 2 : What? this idea is very stupid, its ridiculous
(he used the word "schwachsinn" to describe the idea of boss 1, which means rubbish or
nonsense hey its boss 1 idea, not encik sameon's). Hey boss 3, did you hear that? ha,
boss 1 wants to bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla bla, pastu bla bla.
Boss 3 : lol
encik sameon : (ohhh come on boss 3)
Situasi 2
Boss 3 : encik sameon, this is how you do it, abcdefghij after that kl. Understood?
encik sameon : yup, sure
encik sameon : Boss 1, for further procedure, we must abcdefghij after that kl.
Boss 1 : what the......? no. we must do abcde then kl, after that fghij . Doing otherwise is against
our company procedure, we will not get the result we wanted to.
encik sameon : ..................
Situasi 1
Boss 1 : encik sameon, u pergi kat boss 2, then bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla bla, pastu bla bla. ok?
Encik sameon : yes
Encik sameon : Boss 2, boss 1 asked me to come to you, he wants to bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla
bla, pastu bla bla.
Boss 2 : What? this idea is very stupid, its ridiculous
(he used the word "schwachsinn" to describe the idea of boss 1, which means rubbish or
nonsense hey its boss 1 idea, not encik sameon's). Hey boss 3, did you hear that? ha,
boss 1 wants to bla bla bla bla, dan bla bla bla, pastu bla bla.
Boss 3 : lol
encik sameon : (ohhh come on boss 3)
Situasi 2
Boss 3 : encik sameon, this is how you do it, abcdefghij after that kl. Understood?
encik sameon : yup, sure
encik sameon : Boss 1, for further procedure, we must abcdefghij after that kl.
Boss 1 : what the......? no. we must do abcde then kl, after that fghij . Doing otherwise is against
our company procedure, we will not get the result we wanted to.
encik sameon : ..................
Monday, 18 January 2010
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Movie: Paranormal Activity (2007)

"What happens when you sleep"
Rating aku: 7/10
Rating IMDb: 6.9/10
Brapi kali dah tengok: 1
Micah, seorang day-trader, dan Katie, seorang student sudah couple selama 3 tahun dan akhirnya bercadang utk tinggal serumah. Apa yang Micah tak tahu, gf die sbnrnya sudah difollow oleh seekor hantu sejak umur 8 tahun. Jadi hantu itu turut ikut Katie ke rumah barunya dan terus kacau mereka.
Hantu tu pernah bakar rumah katie, kacau dia dgn adik dia, dan mcm-mcm ganguan lagi.
Micah beli camcoder utk rakam apa yang jadi bila mereka tidur. Macam-macam yang terjadi, contohnya:
1) Bunyi dinding dihentak
2) Bunyi "grunting"
3) Pintu bilik ditutup dengan sendiri (ni feveret hantu tu, suke btol main pintu)
4) Suis bukak tutup sendiri
5) Paling horor = Katie kene tarik kluar
Micah dgn Katie buat mcm-mcm utk hentikan ganguan tersebut, beli Ouija board, panggil bomoh dan pawang, Micah maki-maki hantu tu, letak bedak atas lantai, dsbnya.
Macam manakah kesudahan ganguan tersebut?
Antara Part Yang Aku Suka:
1) Katie kene tarik dari katil
Terkejut nak mati aku tengok, bapak dia!
2) Ouija board
Micah dgn degilnya cube utk comunicate dgn hantu tersebut, tengok apa jadi?
3) Research kat internet
Micah dgn katie jumpa youtube kat internet pasal kejadian yang sama berlaku kat pompuan lain berpuluh-puluh tahun dulu. Apa jadi kat pompuan tu.
Kenapa Aku Suka Movie Ni:
Sebab yg sama aku suke cloverfield dan rec
. Mcm real
Aku Rekemen/Empfehlen Movie Ni:
Paling terbaik, korg tutup lampu biar gelap, pasang speaker, dan jauhkan drpd pegang gelas berisi air dsbnya.
p/s - jgn tgk sbb nk tgk hantu, tgk sebab nk rase takut.
Kalau Suka Paranormal Activity & Nak Tengok Movie Macam Ni Lagi:
1) Blair witch project
2) Rec
3) cloverfield
Semua stock camera goyang, best.
Komen Penonton:
"I jumped like a little bitch in this movie." -KeightrRida on youtube
"i saw this. is was fucking SCARY AS FUCK!! i cried.. ;-; " - anonymous
"I seen the movie and I gotta say: What did the audience find so scary in this movie that made them jump off their seats with panic faces? I'm guessing it's the first horror movie they seen in their lives."
"Aku igtkn lagi takut, tapi xde la sgt, es geht" - aku
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Herr M kat opis ini ade first aid kit x, Herr m tolong balutkan injury saya ni!
Kenapa dengan tangan awak?
- jatuh tadi, kasut licin kot
Adakah awak dilindungi oleh mana-mana syarikat insurans? seperti syarikat !@# ataupon syarikat %^&*?
- haaa? ade2 syarikat !@#
Ini dikira sebagai kes kemalangan di tempat kerja, esok kene isi borang kecederaan, buat report dan jumpa head of department, siapakah saksi kecederaan awak? siapakah yang balut luka awak?
- Herr M tolong balut tadi. Tapi luka sikit je.
Baiklah Herr M akan jadi saksi untuk kes ini.
- kes INI ?
(Patutla Herr M tenung semacam je luka tadi, die kene soal jawab ngn head of department rupenye esok, sorry Herr M ter-nyusahkan, asal x cakap? aku bawak camera tadi, boleh ambik gambar luka sebelum balut)
Awak ada sakit di bahagian mana2 lagi tak? Luka awak teruk ke tidak?
- xde, luke je, tapi dalam la jugak, saya nmpk isi saya tadi.
(Tapi klu standard Rambo, die x rasa ape2 kot, sakit macam kene garu shj)
p/s - nyesal jatuh
Monday, 11 January 2010
Sunday, 3 January 2010
If I only have one wish for 2010, it would be that nobody starts war this year.
At the end of last year i read a book written by a 15 years old girl entitled Anne Frank: The Diary of a young girl. She was a Jewish girl in Amsterdam during the second world war. She and her family was victim of Hitler's anti-Jews policy. So during the war, they went hiding inside a house for 2 years and during those years that Anne Frank wrote this book.
Recommended that you visit her hiding place, during your stay in Amsterdam.
I consider it an act of terrorism. Its all the same, when you kill innocent people, whatever methods you use. Be it:
1) Chopping someone's head off samurai style.
2) Gassing victims inside chambers.
-ehem2, you know who did this
3) Dropping powerful atomic bombs purposely on city full of civilians.
- remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
4) Blowing yourself up and people around you in public places like market or school
- people go to market to buy fresh fish or vegetable, not to get their body blown to pieces!
(take notes terrorist wannabe)
Points 1,2,3 all happened during WW2 and number 4 happens a lot nowadays.
So why only one party is ashamed and really feels guilty of what they have done, while the others still walk around with no regret whatsoever, is beyond me.
They call people terrorists and never see the blood on their own hands.
At the end of last year i read a book written by a 15 years old girl entitled Anne Frank: The Diary of a young girl. She was a Jewish girl in Amsterdam during the second world war. She and her family was victim of Hitler's anti-Jews policy. So during the war, they went hiding inside a house for 2 years and during those years that Anne Frank wrote this book.
Recommended that you visit her hiding place, during your stay in Amsterdam.
I consider it an act of terrorism. Its all the same, when you kill innocent people, whatever methods you use. Be it:
1) Chopping someone's head off samurai style.
2) Gassing victims inside chambers.
-ehem2, you know who did this
3) Dropping powerful atomic bombs purposely on city full of civilians.
- remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
4) Blowing yourself up and people around you in public places like market or school
- people go to market to buy fresh fish or vegetable, not to get their body blown to pieces!
(take notes terrorist wannabe)
Points 1,2,3 all happened during WW2 and number 4 happens a lot nowadays.
So why only one party is ashamed and really feels guilty of what they have done, while the others still walk around with no regret whatsoever, is beyond me.
They call people terrorists and never see the blood on their own hands.
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