"Intelligence is relative"
Rating aku : ---
Rating IMDb : 7.2 / 10
Brape kali dh tengok : 1
Ni movie kedua aku drpd Coen brothers, yg pertama aku tgk "No Country For Old Men". Dua-dua movie best, tapi pelik, bukan tipikal movie. Lepas abes tgk movies dieorg, mesti aku tertny2, ape Coen brothers nk ckp ni? Ape mesej korg dlm movie ni?
Antara Part Yang Aku Suka :
1) Cubaan nak jual maklumat kat Russian Embassy
2) Ending
CIA Superior: What did we learn, Palmer?
CIA Officer: I don't know, sir.
CIA Superior: I don't fuckin' know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir.
CIA Superior: I'm fucked if I know what we did.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir, it's, uh, hard to say
CIA Superior: Jesus Fucking Christ.
Kenapa Aku Suka Movie Ni :
Entah, smpi skrg kompius
Aku Rekemen/Empfehlen Movie Ni :
Kalau korg rase "No Country For Old Men" best.
Kalau Suka Burn After Reading & Nak Tengok Movie Macam Ni Lagi :
1) No Country For Old Men
-satu movie je aku boleh compare
Komen Penonton :
"the bigest heap of shit of a film ive seen in a while " (there you go =) )
"Utter Hollywood drivel. Meaningless, stupid, anything but brilliant. "
"this movie is very different had my face in a what the heck mood " (same mcm aku)
"when i went to see the movie i didn't expect it to be that funny ...you must see it if you're into black comedy :P "
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